Read: May 2020

Inspiration: What new technologies are on the horizon that I should be aware of?


Written with the help of ChatGPT, below is a brief summary to understand what is covered in the book.

“Soonish”, published in 2017 by professor and researcher Kelly Weinersmith and cartoonist Zach Weinersmith, explores the intersection of science, technology, and innovation and how these fields are shaping the future. The book is divided into ten chapters, each of which looks at a different technology or innovation that is expected to have a significant impact on society in the near future. Some of the technologies and innovations discussed in the book include artificial intelligence, robotics, space travel, biotechnology, and energy. Throughout the book, the authors provide an entertaining and humorous look at the future and how it is being shaped by scientific and technological progress. They also explore the potential risks and unintended consequences of these technologies and consider how society can address them. Overall, “Soonish” is an informative and entertaining look at the future and how it is being shaped by scientific and technological progress.

Unedited Notes

Direct from my original book log, below are my unedited notes (abbreviations and misspellings included) to show how I take notes as I read.

***Disclaimer: notes taken before realizing I needed better notes

Future of space travel all about cost reduction, energy efficiency (lead to asteroid mining, casual travel to space, satellites, better energy sources like solar), use nuclear fusion not fission Creation in labs via 3D printers and stem cells of many necessities (food, organs, materials), Convergence of infotech and biotech change the world More information about each person, more personalization, AI coding emotions and cater to wants before consciously realize want (CBI connect to personal assistant to drone delivery)

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