Read: July 2020

Inspiration: What are the key dynamics in the race for AI between the US and China?


Written with the help of ChatGPT, below is a brief summary to understand what is covered in the book.

“AI Superpowers” published in 2021 by computer scientist and AI expert Kai-Fu Lee, explores the ways in which AI is transforming society and how it will shape the future. He argues that AI will have a profound impact on many aspects of our lives, including the economy, education, and employment. The book is divided into several chapters, each of which looks at a different aspect of AI and how it will impact society. Some of the topics covered in the book include the rise of China as an AI powerhouse, the ethical considerations surrounding AI, and the future of work in an age of automation. Throughout the book, Lee provides an in-depth look at the state of AI and how it is being developed and used around the world. He also offers insights into the potential risks and benefits of AI and considers how society can address them. Overall, “AI Superpowers” is an interesting and informative look at the future of AI and its impact on society.

Unedited Notes

Culture of china very different to US, copycats encouraged, cut throat entrepeneurs, gvt support in mass which is inefficient but highly effective. WeChat app for everyone, best data out there. China adopt mobile everything. From currency to payments vs US has credit so less quick to move to mobile payments. 4 AI Waves-Internet, Business, Perception, Autonomous. Internet happening, all we do on phones is data point leveraged to be smarter recommendations. Business AI for micro finance (Smart Finance), medical diagnostics (RXThinking), leverage ability to spot thousands of weak correlations. AI for autonomous driving, credit requires local expertise to understand nuances, can’t just apply american algos to africa and middle east. China invest in local AI, boots on ground vs US not as inclined. Steam engine and Electrification “deskill” vs info/comm tech are skill biased so productivity up but wages stagnate (inequality builds to highest skilled). AI can be built around human-centric service jobs (care, service, education – reward these). UBI hollow – elites do well and keep others satisfied/quiet but not maximizing human value, can be good as a floor but not on own, motives odd

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